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Market News: Mongolia’s scene!

Market News: Mongolia’s scene!


While visiting China, the Ethic DTC crew heard of a striving scooter scene in Mongolia, a country known for its hordes of wild horses not for its action sports scene.

So, they headed out on a 29 hours bus-train-bus trip with Ethic pro rider @Barzeyy.

Despite only 2 days warning, an impressive 100 riders showed up to the demo set-up with one of the local shop @Urban_boardshop.

The local scene is estimated at 5,000 to 7,000 active riders with a few skateparks in the capital and numerous street spots.

This brings another note of optimism on the growth of the scoot market and freestyle scoot’s popularity.

Let’s get a few brands together, send some top riders for the wickedest demo ever, make national news there, and solidify the sport in Mongolia!

Who is in?

* This is not a sponsored post, just thanks to Cyrille at Dissidence for the info and images!

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